Smooth away your fine lines and wrinkles with a choice of quick and easy treatments
and regain your youthful supple-looking skin.
Smooth away those wrinkles and the natural signs of aging with Botox anti-aging injections. These popularly prescribed wrinkle reducing injections are the most common injectable treatments provided at the clinic.
Botox injections restore a smooth and supple look to your skin, providing a natural relaxed and youthful appearance. Lines and wrinkles are part of the normal ageing process and are caused by smiling, laughing and frowning. Prescribed Botox injections are used to relax the muscles that contract and cause furrows, wrinkles and fine lines when your face is making expressions.
Following your procedure you will see results within three to seven days and these will last for up to three to four months. Regular top-ups weaken the muscles used by the face to frown and cause furrows and wrinkles helping delay the signs of aging further.
Botox injections can also be used if you suffer from migraines, atypical face pain and excessive sweating.