What’s New at Your Family Practice?
We are happy to inform you that we have recruited a New Doctor and a New Nurse and they will be starting work in April 2019. There will be more appointments available for both Nurses and Doctors.
We have more ONLINE appointments available, please see our friendly receptionists to get signed up so you can book appointments ONLINE.
There is a new Web link that patients can access via https://www.doctorlink.com/patients/
Through this web link patients can seek clinically approved medical advice around the clock.
We also now have a Triage overflow list which will help patients talk to or see the Doctor or Nurse on the same day.
Appointment system
You can book an appointment with a doctor up to one week in advance or on the same day via the telephone triage system. The surgery will endeavour to comply with any reasonable preference of practitioner expressed by patients.
For your convenience, the surgery offers telephone appointments to patients who do not need to be physically seen. An appointment with the nurse can be booked up to one week in advance. Please make sure you are on time for your appointment as you will be asked to re-book if you are more than 15 minutes late.
Download the myGP app! Online appointments can also be made through the myGP app.
The myGP app service is extremely useful as it allows you to make appointments 24 hours a day. You will, however, need to register for the service by downloading the app on your mobile device or tablet.
Cervical Smears
Cervical screening is a simple test that checks for abnormal changes in the cells of the cervix. Finding and treating these changes can prevent cancer of the cervix developing.
The NHS offers regular cervical screening to women aged 25 to 64 who are registered with a GP. This test is important if you are a woman or trans man in this age group and:
- have a cervix
- have ever been sexually active with a man or woman. Please call and book your Cervical Smear test today
If you are on regular medication you need to have a MEDICATION REVIEW with your GP at least every 12mths, even if you are being seen regularly by the hospital. If we are providing the prescriptions for your medication the GP needs to review you as part of his/her duty of care. If reviews are overdue your medication may be reduced to a weekly supply until you are seen. If you have a specific condition such as ASTHMA, COPD, and DIABETES you will also need regular reviews with the practice nurse who specialises in the monitoring of these conditions. CHECK that YOU ARE UP TO DATE WITH ALL YOUR REVIEWS—this will ensure that you do not keep getting phone calls and letters from us.
Childhood Immunisations
Whichever way you look at it, data around vaccines is both fascinating and inspiring. Immunisation programmes are one of the world’s public health triumphs with many millions of lives saved since the first vaccines were introduced. Please have your babies vaccinated on time.
5 Facts on Vaccines:
- Vaccines are Safe and Effective
- Vaccines prevent Deadly illnesses
- Vaccines provide better immunity than natural infections
- Combined vaccines are Safe and Beneficial
- If we Stop vaccinations, diseases will return
Social prescribing
Social prescribing involves helping patients to improve their health, wellbeing and social welfare by connecting them to community services which might be run by the council or a local charity. For example, signposting people who have been diagnosed with dementia to local dementia support groups. To take advantage of this service, please ask the receptionist to book you in to see our own Social prescriber.
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